Thursday, June 21, 2012

Required Summer Reading

       Dear Samuel and Joseph,

This is the only required summer reading I’m going to request of you.  I wrote it in list format, so as to make it as easy as possible.  Here is what I want you to know at 16 and 14 years old.  Try and remember some of it.  You will be tested on it.  Trust me, you will be tested.

1.     I love you.  Most of what I say to you and do for you comes straight from my heart.  My biggest motivator is LOVE, simply love, and you are my greatest love.  I really hope that you already do know that.

2.     I want you to be happy.   Always look for contentment in what you choose to do, who you choose to be with, and where you choose to be in life.  It’s not always easy to find happiness, and it may take a few tries, but keep it as your goal.  You will find it.  Remember, there is more good than evil in the world.

3.     Trust your instincts.  Do your best. Make good choices. You know what is right.  It’s not always the easiest thing to do.  In fact, sometimes you won’t want to.  Other people will try and convince you otherwise, but stay true to yourself.    Always listen to your first thought and don’t second-guess it.  Follow your own voice and keep your heart in the right place.  You will always know best what is right for you.

4.     Ask for help.  I know Dad and I give you lots of advice.  I know that you don’t always want to hear it.  Seek out advice from other people too.  Ask for opinions to weigh against your own.  Question along the way.  If you don’t know the answer, look harder, dig deeper, and search longer.  Learn from experience and never be afraid to make mistakes. 

5.     Apologize.  If you are wrong, admit it.  Step up and set it to right.  It takes strength to admit mistakes, but you will feel even stronger afterwards.  A brave man accepts his weakness.  It’s much simpler to walk away from failure.  Stand up to it and find another way.  There is always another road to success.

6.     Believe in God and Keep the Faith.  You were raised to know God and the power of faith.  Keep Him in your heart, mind, and on your lips.  Pray often, trust always, and know that there is a greater good.  Go to church.  It’s through practice that your faith strengthens and sustains.

7.     Stay in community and be of service to others.  It really does “take a village” to get through most things in life.  Stay connected to family, friends, teachers, coaches, counselors, colleagues, and neighbors.  We are happiest in communion.  Take good care of those around you.  Lend a helping hand.  Be fair, friendly, ready and reliable.  Be someone’s “go to” guy.  Be respectful and kind to all.

8.     Set high standards for yourself and others.  Make big goals.  Dream big dreams.  Don’t worry about missing the mark or failing.  There are worse things in life.  Pick yourself up and try, try again.  “I think I can” said the Little Engine that Could.  I know you can.  Dad and I will always believe in you.

9.     Figure things out for yourself.  Don’t take the easy way out.  Don’t rely on someone else to do it for you.  Put your mind, heart, and soul into it.  Live with purpose and passion.  If you want it, make it happen.  Do it your way!

10.  You will be fine.  You don’t really need this list from me.  You already have it all inside you.  In your thoughts, words, and actions.  It’s always with you.  I know that. Dad knows that.  YOU know that.  You WILL be fine.  But, please, wear sunscreen, just in case. 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm reawakening the blog after a couple months off.  It's good to be back.  I've missed it.  But, family, and life, demanded my time so I stepped away.  I'm going to try something a little different with this post. A series of photo snaps- a moment in my day.  Kind of a photo diary.  Just for fun. I'm inspired by the blogs of Kelle Hampton and Nici Rae Holt, whom I've been following for awhile now. Read them at and  You won't regret spending some time with them. Read Kelle's book "Bloom" as well.  It's lovely.

So, this morning I had breakfast on the deck with Oliver.  Just me, the dog, my coffee, my oatmeal and the sun.  It was heaven.  Seriously, it was a spiritual awakening...literally.  One of those mornings where you just know God has a hand in it.  His creation was shining.  It was bright and crisp, green, blue, and sparkling.  It couldn't have been painted more perfectly.  So, I sat and watched the birds, smelled the grass, and breathed it all in. The breeze gave me a cool kiss every now and then just to remind me He was there.  So, I thanked Him and met the day.

 The oaks stood tall and mighty, proud to be in their right place in our forest.

The birds landed on the feeder, enjoying their breakfast too!

hello, mr. and mrs. cardinal

Oliver kept a close watch on them.

The shadows danced on the lawn,

                                                 The flowers smiled their yellow smiles,

                                      And that sun just kept shining, announcing her day.

The clouds came out to play...

 ...And the moon went to bed.

                                          Other people went about their business,

            But we sat awhile on our deck this morning.  Didn't we, Oliver?