Monday, April 14, 2014

Jail Buns

My husband was called for jury duty this week and it reminded me of when I landed in court last summer.  Thankfully, it was as a juror and not a defendant.  I was seated on a Monday and the criminal trial wrapped up on Thursday after 5 hours of deliberation.  I have to say, I was dreading it. Two weeks of a commitment to be in the courthouse either awaiting jury selection or actively serving on a trial in the middle of the summer?  Well, it ended up being a really invaluable experience.  I found it educational, enlightening and exhausting.  And the biggest perk of being a juror in Olmsted County Circuit Court?  The jail buns!  They served them to us every morning before entering the courtroom, the best darn cinnamon rolls I've ever had- golden, light, and perfectly swirled with just the right amount of cream cheese frosting. "Jail buns" the bailiff called them because they bake them at the county jail overnight and bring them to the courthouse first thing in the morning.  You could make a case for other positive aspects of the call to legally serve: first-hand experience in the judicial system, satisfaction in witnessing the due process of law, and a prime parking spot in the juror's lot.  But, I'll take the jail buns for the win. Yum!  So, when Greg headed out the door this morning, I said, "Go get 'em, Tiger!" and he thought I meant the bad guys, but I didn't.  I meant the jail buns.  Seriously, they are worth the wait!  I want him to be selected because you don't get them unless you are seated on a jury.  So, good luck, Honey!  Stay impartial, but I hope you get the guilty pleasure of eating a jail bun or two.  After all, it's your civic duty.

                                                  Photo source:


  1. I want jail buns! I haven't heard of any such deliciousness awaiting jurors here in Colorado. What a great idea! Yum!

    1. Ha! Another perk of living in Rochester MN! Thanks for your comment, Jods!

  2. I wasn't selected as a juror when I had jury duty so I missed the jail buns! Somehow I feel cheated. ;)

    1. I know, right Sherry?! Hopefully next time…
      Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.

  3. Somehow jail buns conjured up a much more disturbing image for me

    1. You crack me up! I did consider that as well…
      Thanks for commenting, Jane!


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