Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
When I reflect on this line from Ward's prayer, I am reminded of Olympia Dukakis as
Clairee in Steel Magnolias saying, "Well, as somebody always said, 'if you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me!'" That pretty much sums it up for me too. I am amused by making judgements about other people. Don't get me wrong, I am not a cold, callous, or cruel person by nature. I just like a good gossip! This, of course, really is the essence of judgement, though, isn't it?
Deciding to talk about someone else as if you really know who they are, how they live, what they represent, or anything about them beyond how they appear in looks, actions, or words. I tell my kids all the time to "stop being so judgmental" and then I turn around and catch myself in a conversation that smacks every bit as much of critique of another. What is it that drives that need to judge? Insecurity?
Naivety? Impulsivity?
All I know is that it is wrong to try and tell another person's story. We can't truly know it completely and it is not ours to judge. We must instead look to the Christ within them. I think this means finding the spark of sacred in every human being created by God and honoring it. Oh, what a difficult task that is. Honor the creepy guy in the elevator next to me? The road rager who just flipped me off in the turn lane? The crazy lady who walks alone downtown? What about those I love most? My husband who, after 20 years of marriage, still doesn't do things the way I would like him to? My friends, who despite my best efforts don't always take my advice? My kids who sass and fight and push back around every corner? HONOR those things? You've got to be kidding!
The Christ dwelling within us is the still, silent soul of every human being, deserving of love, requiring respect, and yearning for kindness and compassion. We all want to be considered more purely, for who we are, who we REALLY are. And we can't know that about someone else until we honor their sacred being. Look to Christ for example and inspiration, and love, LOVE what you trust is inside each of us. He showed us how to live like that. Free of judgment, full of grace, and leading with true consideration of each person as they really are. Perfectly formed, fully loved, and worthy of acceptance. For this Lenten season, for today, I will try and remember that. Christ within. When we meet next, know that I am trying to see you, love you, and I'm giving your sacred soul a big high five!
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