And they're off! My boys started 10th and 11th grades today.
The first day of the 2013-2014 school year and half way through high school for Sam. Upperclassmen didn't have to be to school until 11:00 am this morning, so they both slept in.
Sam left home about 9:00 am, in order to meet up with buddies who were planning a back-to-school breakfast. I dropped him off with little fanfare at his friend's house and he sauntered away with confidence. Hardly a glance over his shoulder as I hollered, "Have a great first day!" out the window. This from my boy who cried every day- EVERY STINKIN' DAY!- of Kindergarten and begged me not to leave him there, his little arms wrapped around my leg and those baby blue eyes glistening with tears. Now he is confident, secure in his 6 foot frame, and ready to face the world on his own. He turned 17 this summer and reminds me almost daily that he will "be an adult" soon. Too soon. He is ready for his Junior year. A full course load of Honors and AP classes, a part-time job at Trader Joe's after school, and running on the Cross Country team to keep in shape. My first born all grown up.
Joseph got picked up at 10:30 am by his friend Cooper in his Grand Am. Coop just got his license and that little red car sweeps frequently down our driveway. He's the first of Joby's friends to drive and as I watch him whisk my baby away a little piece of my heart goes with them every time. It's bittersweet with Joseph, he's my second and my last. Things aren't as big of a deal upfront with him-both because his personality is more reserved and his mama has more confidence this time around. But, things are also more final with him and tend to stick longer and louder for me. Away he goes and I linger in wonder and awe at the passing of time, so quickly and soon. He is ready for his sophomore year.
He is my introspective old soul, my child who has amazing insight into himself and his world. He
will work hard, play hard, and still change and grow this year. I just know it. His guitar and his music will continue to inspire, entertain, soothe, and guide him. He will use his talent for good, my baby boy.
Godspeed, my sweets boys! I'm excited about what lies ahead this year and I'll be right here at home waiting to help see you through.