Saturday, December 24, 2011

Jingle Bells

There are jingle bells hanging on the back door of our house all year round, not just at this time of year.  It's a lovely touch at Christmas, to hear them ring whenever we enter or leave.  For us, however, they are so much more than just the sounds of the holiday season.  They are the memory of our families' daily activities over the years.  A sweet audible harkening back to my children's baby years, my husband's first job, and my daily comings and goings.

In 1998, that first December we spent back in MN, in my dazed state of young motherhood, I forgot the jingle bells hanging from the knob in the back entry when I put away the rest of the seasonal decorations.  So, there they hung.  Polished brass bells mounted on a cheap belt made of gold colored pleather which formed a circle at the top with a cutout for the brass doorknob to go through.  I was too overwhelmed by babies to care much about hauling them back downstairs and unstacking the Christmas box to put them away. Besides, they matched.  Brass bells hanging from a brass knob must be somebodies idea of tasteful decor.  So they stayed there in our back entry.  A little turn around of space beside the laundry room, complete with a small closet where we did the daily drop of, shoes coats, briefcase, and diaper bag.

Samuel was a toddler then and he loved to make those bells ring.  He found any excuse at all to open and shut the door, just to hear their tinkling.  Joseph, asleep in his baby seat, would startle every time they chimed, waking for a minute wide-eyed, then yawn himself back to sleep until the next time.
As the boys grew, we all became conditioned to the sound, like Pavlov's dogs, when they rang we turned to the door.  It became our beckon when Greg arrived in the evening from work.  "Daddy's home!" I'd cry and the boys would come running to greet him.  It was also my steadfast sentry when I went in/out to the van to unload groceries or shopping bags.   They gave me peace of mind at night when Greg was away traveling.  I figured if I heard the chimes then, I'd know about the burglar before he got in the door and he'd probably be scared off by the sound anyway. I never used our home alarm system.  The bells were security enough.  In later years, those wakening warnings did help Joseph on his sleepwalking rambles.  The bells either woke him or us and we could return him quietly to his room for the rest of the night.  It made us all feel safe, protected,
a warning of a daily departure or homecoming- all was right with our world if the bells were ringing. 

When we built our new house four years ago, the bells came with us.  They were the first thing we unpacked and hung up while moving in.  They didn't match the decor anymore, as we changed our hardware to oil rubbed bronze, but those brass bells stayed.  A symbol of our family and our busy lives, a tradition in our home.  This week, the bells came down.  Not intentionally, mind you.  The cheap plastic leather belt just wore out.  I wish you could have seen Joseph's face as he picked them up off the slate floor in the mudroom, and gently carried them to me.  "Mom, the bells fell off!" he said with sadness.  At 13, he still has the tenderness of a child, and is a compassionate boy.
"Oh no!" I replied, "We'll have to replace them".  I thought about that and wondered to myself what I might find to replace them with.  Later that day, I picked up the broken bells, I remembered their sweet sounds over the years, marveled at their enduring shine, and I cut off the broken part of the strap.  I handed them to Greg and quietly asked him to fix them, to make them so they could be hung up again.  I can't replace them, you see, it wouldn't be right.  New bells will sound different, have an unfamiliar ring, a strange echo.  We need our bells, their familiar comfort, clanging in their place on our back door. 
I have a feeling something special will be jingling in my stocking on Christmas morning.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

FRAGILE: Handle With Care

Someone I love very much is hurting.  I mean really hurting.  Her carefully etched life is shattering right before her eyes and it is painful, and breathtaking, and such a reminder that we are all fragile.  Despite our best efforts sometimes, things come crashing down around us and we are left to pick up the pieces.
Now, I get to help Her start putting them all back together.  One little bit at a time.  I find it necessary to tend to the most broken bits first.  Pick them up, hold them, and then set them back in their place.  For Her this is her children. Helping them adjust to the change is the least I can do.   They need to be loved and comforted.  I am lucky enough to be one of the "special people" in their lives and they trust me more than ever.  Fear shines in their eyes, but I sit them in my lap, hug them tight and tell them that I'm here when they need me.  Next are the biggest pieces, the ones that still hold some of their shape, the parts of Her life that she still has control over.  She feels good about fitting some of them back together herself and I tell her she should.  I follow her lead.  I watch her closely, and make sure I help if she drops something or simply can't do it alone.  It's what you do when someone you love is hurting.  They are fragile and you handle them with care.  In turn, they give back their trust and gratitude and that helps to make us both whole again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Music Man

Music fills my house every day.  It's thanks mostly to my son, Joseph, 13 who is our resident Music Man.  He started playing piano when he was 6 and mastered a lovely concerto courtesy of his brilliant teacher who was "old school" and demanded perfection.  Then, he took up electric guitar at 10, taking lessons from a 55-yo hipster who thrills to introducing him to classic rock and bluegrass, picking, strumming, and riffing his way through the oldies.  He also plays his guitar in the Jazz Band at school jamming to "Soul Man" and bluesy holiday songs for the upcoming concert in December.  Joseph chose the drums in 6th grade for the middle school band, and plays the bass, timpani, and trap set in Concert band, as well as African drums in the World Drumming corp.  He even beats a metal garbage can, plastic bucket or two and sweeps a push broom in the Trash Can corp alongside friends.  Yesterday he told me that he had "picked up" the string bass from a friend at school and was thinking of switching to orchestra in high school.  Oh, and he has a lovely voice which he uses in church choir every week to sing beautiful choral arrangements that make his mother cry.  Aside from his personal repertoire, his taste in listening music runs toward rap and electronica which is usually blasting too loudly from the computer in the kitchen where he is arranging and rearranging loops or laying down beats to produce his own songs.  Last but not least, he dances.  Yep, he can do a mean "Spongebob" or "Dougie", which is cool if you're into hip hop!  So, my well-rounded music man keeps my ears ringing, my heart humming and my groove on most days. I'm thankful for that.  Joyful, mellow, musical soul, my Joseph and I love that he shares his gifts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life Lesson #2

Life isn't fair!  It's good to learn this at a young age, but not necessarily the hard way.  A girl in our town, Mariah, age 15 was diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin's Lymphoma today.  Her mom, Melissa, is a friend of mine.  Mariah has been sick for a month with pneumonia, fatigue, and now the stomach flu on top of it all.  She is a very bright, musically-inclined, active girl who got blindsided.  The whole family did!  Melissa just thought her daughter was run down and going through life at much too fast a pace.  She didn't expect a serious illness, let alone a cancer diagnosis.  Mariah is taking it pretty well.  She is trying to find the humor in being told you have cancer when you are vomiting from stomach flu.  It's tough to laugh at, but she is trying.  She will have 6 months of chemotherapy followed by radiation treatment and then hopefully she will recover.  She is a determined young woman, and is full of hopes and dreams that will be her strength.  She is supposed to play her bass in the pit orchestra for her high school's play this month.  Instead, she will be in the hospital with hard-core medication on board to kill her cancer cells.  That's a bitter pill to swallow...literally.  Life isn't fair.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Life Lesson #1

Sportsmanship-it's the name of the game!  My oldest son, Sam, age 15 has been running on the local HS cross country team all fall.  He is a freshman and this is his 2nd year on the team.  He has had a successful season, achieving a personal best time at almost every meet he has run.  Cutting 5 minutes off his times from last year and stepping up to the Varsity squad were the highlights of the season for him.  Last week, the team qualified for the State competition and Sam was named the first alternate, getting to train and travel with the big dogs.  He was thrilled, a bit apprehensive, but excited and nervous all at the same time.
Amid training with the upperclassman and more experienced runners, Sam has learned a valuable life lesson.  Sportsmanship!  He has learned that it's not always who comes in first, but who comes in best that counts.  Sometimes best is the guy who stumbles halfway through the race, but picks himself up and completes the race limping across the finish line, with a smile on his face.  Best might be the team everyone calls "The Machine" because they are THAT good and their guys always finish in the first 5 spots, but who turn around after every race and cheer in their competition, until the very last runner crosses the finish line.  Best is definitely the senior on Sam's team who coaches the younger guys before every race, walking them through the course and reassuring them that they can do it.  He always finishes ahead of the pack, but then he thanks the team for running with him and pushing him to achieve his personal goals.  Best was Sam at the meet when he placed 2nd behind a teammate who had never won a race before and Sam celebrated with Ben louder and longer than anyone.  That's what team sports are all about, being your best, each and every day for the good of the group and for the guy ahead of or behind you.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hanging on!

 I have landed on middle age.  You have to be in it for awhile before it sinks in...I'm here, I'm on the branch in between growing up and growing old, and I'm hanging on.  It's a time of life we all know is coming, but is hard to prepare for.  You get there quickly and settle in slowly.   I've watched my parents age, my siblings separate, my husband quiet and my children stretch.  At the same time, I've done all of that too.  It makes me look back with a lot more clarity and ahead with a bit more caution and just keep hanging on.